Common name: Aphyonids, Blindfishes, Brotulas, Cuskfishes, Gelatinous cuskeels, Live-bearing brotulas, Live-bearing cusks


A diverse family of live-bearing fishes, differing mostly from the similar ophidiids, in having internal fertilization and associated copulatory organs. While many species are found in deep-sea habitats, other small, secretive species shelter in crevices occur on shallow reefs. Some species inhabit fresh and brackish waters.
Species are difficult to identify as the structure of the male reproductive organ is the most important diagnostic character, along with scale patterns on the head.
A few genera are small, fragile, scaleless deep sea fishes rarely collected above 700 m; many species have a number of neotenous (larval) features associated with life in the deep sea. 
First ever live footage of a gelatinous cuskeel taken by NOAA's Okeanos Explorer around the Mariana Islands at a depth of ~2,500 m, June 2016.

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Dianne J. Bray, Live-bearing Cusks, BYTHITIDAE in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,


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