- Classification
- Parequula
Genus Parequula
The genus Parequula contains two species, both of which are endemic to southern Australia.
Species in the genus have the following characteristics: body oblong to deep and compressed; mouth protractile; teeth small, pointed, absent from palatine, vomer and tongue; preopercular edge slightly serrate; opercle without spine; dorsal and anal fins with low, basal scaly sheath; body scales deciduous; lateral line complete; dorsal fin continuous, anterior spines shorter than those behind, fin low anteriorly with height increasing progressively to its centre; head profile above eyes from slightly concave, through straight, to slightly convex; dorsal profile of snout broad and flat; dorsal-fin rays IX, 15–18; anal-fin rays III, 14–18; branchiostegals 6; pseudobranchiae present; 3 supraneural bones (0/0/0+2/), but its formula rarely 0/0+0/2/; upper caudal fin rays (dorsal) 17–22, lower caudal fin rays (ventral) 15–18, total caudal fin rays 32–40, upper procurrent rays (dorsal) 8–13, lower procurrent rays (ventral) 7–10, total procurrent rays 15–23; vertebrae 10+15. (Iwatsuki, Pogonoski & l;ast, 2012)
Iwatsuki, Y., J.J. Pogonoski & P. Last. 2012. Revision of the genus Parequula (Pisces: Gerreidae) with a new species from southwestern Australia. Zootaxa 3425: 42–54