- Classification
- Arenigobius
Genus Arenigobius
Key to southern Australian species of Arenigobius.
Top of head without dark spots; body with a dark stripe from pectoral fin base along lower surface of body, breaking up into a series of irregular dark spots posteriorly; 35-42 vertical scale rows on body; adults with an elongate caudal fin……………………………………………….……..Arenigobius bifrenatus.
Top of head normally with four or more large dark spots; body with irregular vertical bands; 28-35 vertical scale rows on body; caudal fin margin rounded........
...........................................................................................Arenigobius frenatus.
Top of head without dark spots; body with a dark stripe from pectoral fin base along lower surface of body, breaking up into a series of irregular dark spots posteriorly; 35-42 vertical scale rows on body; adults with an elongate caudal fin……………………………………………….……..Arenigobius bifrenatus.
Top of head normally with four or more large dark spots; body with irregular vertical bands; 28-35 vertical scale rows on body; caudal fin margin rounded........
...........................................................................................Arenigobius frenatus.
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Arenigobius in Fishes of Australia, accessed 13 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/genus/114