- Classification
- Neamia
- articycla
Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen 2006

Neamia articycla from Mindoro, Philippines - paratype USNM 370291. Source: Jeffrey T. Williams /Division of Fishes, Smithsonian Institutions. License: All rights reserved
A small reddish to brownish cardinalfish with pale fins and a dark circular weakly-ocellated spot on the gill cover. The species inhabits Halimeda algal beds.
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Dianne J. Bray, Neamia articycla in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/1645
Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen 2006
More Info
Distribution |
In Australia, recorded from the North West Shelf, Western Australia, and east of Lizard Island, Queensland. Elsewhere - widespread in the western Pacific, from Sumatra to Fiji, and Australia north to the Philippines. Inhabits Halimeda beds in depths of 10-40 metres. |
Features |
Identifying features: 7 visible first-dorsal spines, 8th spine hidden by skin, a darkish circular spot on the gill cover below the opercular spine within a pale area; in life, body uniformly reddish to brownish, all fins pale, 13–14 pectoral-fin rays, 5 predorsal scales, eye diameter 10–12%, pectoral fin 25–31% and body depth 37–40% of standard length. |
Etymology |
The specific name articycla is form the Greek artios, meaning 'complete' or 'perfect', and cyclus, meaning 'circle', in reference to the dark spot on the opercle with its edge as a complete or perfect circle. |
Species Citation |
Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen, 2006, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63(1): 1, figs 1-4. Type locality: east of Lizard Island, Queensland [14°41'S, 145°30'E]. |
Author |
Dianne J. Bray |