Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen 2006

Neamia articycla from Mindoro, Philippines - paratype USNM 370291. Source: Jeffrey T. Williams /Division of Fishes, Smithsonian Institutions. License: All rights reserved

A small reddish to brownish cardinalfish with pale fins and a dark circular weakly-ocellated spot on the gill cover. The species inhabits Halimeda algal beds. 

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Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen 2006

More Info


In Australia, recorded from the North West Shelf, Western Australia, and east of Lizard Island, Queensland. Elsewhere - widespread in the western Pacific, from Sumatra to Fiji, and Australia north to the Philippines.

Inhabits Halimeda beds in depths of 10-40 metres.


Identifying features: 7 visible first-dorsal spines, 8th spine hidden by skin, a darkish circular spot on the gill cover below the opercular spine within a pale area; in life, body uniformly reddish to brownish, all fins pale, 13–14 pectoral-fin rays, 5 predorsal scales, eye diameter 10–12%, pectoral fin 25–31% and body depth 37–40% of standard length.


The specific name articycla is form the Greek artios, meaning 'complete' or 'perfect', and cyclus, meaning 'circle', in reference to the dark spot on the opercle with its edge as a complete or perfect circle.

Species Citation

Neamia articycla Fraser & Allen, 2006, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63(1): 1, figs 1-4. Type locality: east of Lizard Island, Queensland [14°41'S, 145°30'E]. 


Dianne J. Bray

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37327161

Behaviour:3.5 cm SL

Behaviour:Mouth brooder

Depth:10-40 m

Habitat:Halimeda beds

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